Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability This website is provided for general information only. AROH does not represent or warrant that the content of this website is accurate, authentic or complete or that the information contained in this website is suitable for your needs. Do not rely on this website as a statement of policy, except where clearly stated. To the extent permitted by law, AROH excludes liability for any loss (including resulting from computer viruses) caused by use of, or reliance on this website. AROH may amend or withdraw material on this website at any time without notice. This website provides links to external websites. AROH does not control, and accepts no liability for the content of those websites, nor for any loss arising from use of those websites. AROH does not endorse any external website and does not warrant that information thereon is accurate, authentic nor complete. Use of any external website is governed by the terms of that website. The provision of a link to an external website does not authorise you to reproduce, adapt, modify, communicate or in any way deal with the material on that site. The inclusion of any email address on this website is not providing consent to receiving unsolicited commercial electronic messages or SPAM. Website Terms and Conditions AROH Logo AROH does not endorse the use of the AROH logo by any party; except where written permission is given. If seeking such permission, contact exec@aroh.com.au Site and Data Access AROH does not guarantee uninterrupted access to this website, or linked sites. AROH accepts no responsibility for any damages arising from inability to access information on this site. AROH takes reasonable steps to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate, and will attempt to correct errors as soon as possible after they are notified to exec@aroh.com.au.. Users of the AROH website are prohibited from:
AROH grants you a limited licence to access and make personal use of the site, but not to download (except for page caching and the PDF documents provided) anything without the written consent of AROH. This prohibition extends to the downloading of any account information, the use of data-gathering or data extraction tools, or the downloading and copying of Register information for any commercial or data storage purpose. AROH does not grant rights to download (other than page caching) or modify the register, or any portion of it. The reproduction and use of names and addresses on this website for commercial purposes is prohibited. The AROH may automatically collect anonymous information about your visits, such as your browser type, how long you stay on the site and what pages you visit. None of this information is linked to you and is used by AROH to monitor general use of the website and help improve the websites by identifying which sections are most and least used. AROH uses Google Analytics to collect data to aggregate and analyse customer usage patterns. This provides AROH with data on usability and behavior, which informs toward making changes to the website. Your Account If you are registered with the AROH, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. Applicable Legislation These terms of use are governed by the laws of Australia and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia. If any of these terms of use are held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the remaining terms of use will continue in full force. Linking to AROH website AROH permits linking to this website only with written permission. If seeking such permission, contact exec@aroh.com.au, and note:
Linking from the AROH website to other websites Requests to create hyperlinks from this website to another website should be made to exec@aroh.com.aufor consideration. Requests will only be considered if they are seen to further AROH’s objectives. Site Policies AROH reviews all policies from time to time. Whenever a policy is changed or updated, a new version will be posted on the site. Please review our policies regularly so that you are aware of any changes. AROH reserves the right to make changes to the policies as required and without notice at any time. |